Forgot login keychain password
Forgot login keychain password

forgot login keychain password forgot login keychain password

Now, type in your current password and enter your preferred new password for the Mac.Here, select the admin account that you use and click on “Change Password” to proceed further.Next, click on “Users & Groups” as shown in the screenshot below.Head over to “System Preferences” on your Mac from the Dock or  Apple menu.Simply follow the steps below to get started. To change the password for this, you’ll need to change the password for your user account, which keeps things congruent. If you haven’t created any additional Keychains, you’ll have one default Keychain created automatically by macOS for you, called “login”. How to Change Default Keychain Password on Mac We’ll be guiding you through the steps to change the Keychain password on macOS systems. However, you can create multiple Keychains on a Mac in addition to the default Keychain, and you can set them to any password that you prefer. Whenever you change this user password, the default Keychain password is automatically updated to match it as well. If you aren’t aware, your Keychain password is the same as your Mac’s user password that you use to sign in to your computer by default.

Forgot login keychain password